Love & Dating
How to Know if Your Boyfriend is Gay
It is difficult to pick up the courage to ask a guy if he’s gay, and then he eventually tells you he is. There is nothing you can do; you might just blame yourself for not knowing all along. But sincerely, you couldn’t have known when you couldn’t even spot the signs; you do not have to bite yourself over it.
So right now, you might be wondering how to spot if a guy is gay since not all gay guys go around with signs written boldly on their foreheads notifying people of their sexual preferences.
As regards the signs, some are obvious while others are not. Knowing that your boyfriend is gay or bisexual would help you clear up the confusion and also make better decisions.
Telltale signs your guy is gay (Gay characteristics)
1. You often catch him staring at men
When you catch your guy always staring at men, it’s a good way to tell if he is gay or bisexual. This might occur when he thinks you aren’t seeing them. It’s easier to spot this when you’re at a beach, in a club, or at a general function, especially when men are few.
It might not be obvious, but if it occurs regularly, this could honestly mean your boyfriend is gay or bisexual.
2. He talks dirty in a particular way
Most people love to think or speak dirty in bed. A good question to answer is: Does your guy have more sexual imagination than others? Is he excited when you discuss sexual scenes when he is sexually engaged with men?
Practicalizing something is usually more exciting than just saying it. Still, if fantasies about gays are the only way to get him sexually turned on, then you should confront him about his male fantasies. With this attitude, it’s a possible sign your guy is gay.
3. He flirts with men
It’s infrequent to see guys saying sweet things about themselves, but this is common among girls. Guys don’t sweet talk their fellow guys; it’s more like forbidden in a man’s world. You rarely find a man complimenting his fellow guys, and even if they do, it’s usually in a sarcastic way. They normally say things directly, no matter how they sound.
A man only flirts with another guy if he is sexually interested in him. If you notice your man always flirting with other guys, this could be a clear sign he is gay.
4. He likes to play
The truth is, not all guys like to do butt play. But a man who likes gay activities will certainly love what is at the back while making out. If your man likes having anal sex with you more than having normal penetration, then it’s a good sign he is gay.
Most guys love penetrating women more than the other way around, so if you notice otherwise, then you might have to confront him.
5. Many of his friends live in his closet
This is not true in all cases, but if he has most of his friends living in his vicinity, there’s a possibility he is gay. Chances are they live within the premises, so they could easily perform their act. You have heard the saying that birds of the same feather flock together, and most times it’s true. This is one good sign to tell if he’s gay or bisexual.
6. He enjoys the attention of other men more than women
Men love the attention they get from women naturally. The reverse is the case if he prefers men around him or gets their attention. If you have caught him several times flagging his fellow guy just to get their attention, obviously this is a great sign for you.
Upright men might need attention, but only from the female gender. On the contrary, if he prefers the attention of males far more than females, then he is gay or bisexual.
7. He floats the idea of a threesome with another guy.
He might not be serious about this, but he looks at you carefully for your reaction. Deep down, he wishes you were going to show interest. You might also be wondering if it’s a trap, which, if you fall into it, might break up with you.
Although he doesn’t act jealous,. He loves the idea of trying different things in your relationship and likes the idea of going out sometimes to meet with others, especially guys.
8. Alcohol makes his behavior towards other men less inhibited.
When a guy gets drunk, he feels hyperactive. It increases their sexual urge when they are with their girlfriend or other ladies, but it depends on how drunk he is. Also, he may act more dramatic in the bedroom.
You notice he goes around touching and romancing you, or he gets too cozy with his male friend, holding to every word he says. He sits close to him and rests his head on his shoulder or any other guy’s shoulder. This should be taken seriously, especially if it occurs often.
9. He buys expensive gifts for his male friends.
Buying gifts once in a while during special occasions for a guy is okay, but this can also be a sign to find out if he is gay or not.
When it comes to your gift, he would get something more feminine like jewelry, flowers, or perfume instead of knowing what you want. But with his male friends, he knows exactly what they like; money’s never the main thing.
10. His Internet history is foggy
Perhaps you have seen his online history on his phone or PC, and it’s most often not clear. It’s not normal, right? because the only reason one would clear his history is to prevent people from knowing what they do online.
So if you notice a strange site or if he has a blank history, then this calls for attention. Nevertheless, if this is the only thing you notice, you need not worry because most guys watch porn online and delete it.
11. He has questionable sex toys
If your guy uses sex toys when you are together, well, it’s not that serious. But the question is, when you first met him, did he have gay sex toys? Such as dildos? This could be very tricky since male sex toys are not just for gay sex alone.
It’s women who mostly get their dildos, so it is strange if he is having one. If he has a sex toy, he should be questioned. It could be an obvious sign that he is gay or bisexual.
12. Sexuality matters to him big time
It’s actually not proper for one to ask about other people’s sexuality; it’s a very clear sign he is gay. Other people’s sexuality matters a lot to him, which is why he is always asking and wants to know more about it, especially when it’s about guys.
If he doesn’t ask often, then it’s cool. But if he is always asking these questions about other people’s sexual lives, then it could be a sign to tell if he is gay or not.
13. He has a secretive social media life
His online affairs are usually hidden. You might discover he has a gay site or platform he belongs to online. As bad as it sounds, it’s a great sign indicating he is gay. Perhaps he has a lot of guys on his account with whom they share mutual friends.
No guy joins a gay dating site out of curiosity. This is quite a pretty sign your man is gay without missing words.
A Word from Love Diary
A gay boyfriend is not what one would be proud of; it’s disheartening to find out the man you are dating is gay or bisexual. If you have been struggling to know if your man is gay or not, with the signs properly discussed, I believe you can spot if your boyfriend is gay. Having explained this, the ball is now in your court to either quit or continue dating him.
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Originally posted 2024-01-05 22:16:23.