Leadership! One of the most tremendous forces in mankind. Through leadership, a lot is acquired and actualized. Without leadership, there is no finality; without leadership, there is no decision-making. But without a leader, there is no leadership.
A lot of people out there have what it takes to be a leader, they have the potentials, the ideas, but some of them lack the qualities, they lack the characteristics to bring forth that potential in them. Everyone knows the qualities of a good leader: humility, friendliness, temperance, patience, love, understanding person, compassion, transparency, soft yet rigid in making decisions, discipline, and moral standards. Everyone knows those qualities.
In this article, we will not look at the qualities of a good leader but instead at the traits of a bad leader. We are also going to look at the weird qualities of a bad leader. But first, let’s see the qualities of a bad leader.
There are many qualities of a bad leader, so we will examine them randomly.
1: Impatience:
A leader who lacks patience and rushes at things without thinking or re-accessing the situation is bad. A leader should not lack when waiting for the right time.
2: Indiscipline:
A leader who lacks discipline or moral standards to adhere to is a bad leader. Discipline is one of the most essential qualities of a leader; if a leader lacks discipline, his or her followers will also lack discipline.
3: Pride:
A leader who feels full of himself just because he has been put in that position is no leader. A leader that lacks humility should not be called a leader at all!
4: Hard Headedness:
A leader who doesn’t allow room for other ideas and doesn’t listen to his followers is said to be hardheaded. This causes enmity between leaders and followers.
5: Unfriendliness:
A leader who doesn’t relate freely with his followers but sees them as mere servants or slaves is not fit to be in the position of a leader. An Unfriendly leader is an unfortunate leader. Without friendliness in leadership, there would be no fortunate executions in plans and ideas.
6: Less Compassionate:
A leader who lacks empathy and is not compassionate about his followers but for his own gain is not a leader. A leader must have compassion and be able to constantly step into the shoes of any of his followers if the need arises. That way, the empathetic nature of a leader is released. When a leader is less compassionate, he loses the trust of his followers
7: Lacks Transparency:
A secretive leader who closes in on himself just for his gain is no leader. Every leader must be a see-through leader. A leader who everyone can see and know that this person could be trustworthy. A leader who lacks transparency should get himself checked and right his wrongs.
8: Dishonesty:
One of the dominant qualities of a bad leader is dishonesty. A bad leader always lacks the truth and never tells one. He tells lies just to gain something for himself.
9: Lacks Integrity:
Many leaders tend to forget that integrity is critical when it comes to leading people. A leader who lacks integrity is like a car with no tires. How would you move a vehicle when it has nothing to rely on? One of the worst qualities a leader can have is a lack of integrity.
10: Speaks Rudely
A leader who talks rudely or out of place is said to have bad communication skills, thus making him the wrong candidate for being a leader. A good leader would always speak well regardless of the situation. A leader who doesn’t speak well would not be spoken well of. That person is not fit to be a leader.
11: Lacks the Fear Of God:
Naturally, this should have been the first point, but I made it the last purposefully. A leader who lacks the fear of the one above all cannot be a leader. No matter how effective he might seem, if there is no reference to the eternal one then there is no leadership.
1: The psychopathic nature:
A bad leader would always have a psychopathic nature in the sense that a bad leader would always go to the worst and extreme lengths to get what he wants. This could include destroying lives and property and even to the extent of taking lives and covering up his tracks with every means possible.
2: Manipulative:
A bad leader who does anything to get what he wants would always be manipulative. Emotionally or physically. He could appeal to one’s mental state but at the same time using extreme measures such as threats or emotional blackmail.
3: Psychological Problems:
Not every leader chooses to be wrong but life experiences may have pushed them to that point, thereby affecting their mental state and pushing them to do extreme things to get a particular thing. Most of the time, they may have the potential, but they abuse it because of their corrupted minds.
A bad leader lacks discipline, friendliness, temperance, patience, transparency, empathy, communication skills, honesty, integrity, love, and compassion. A bad leader can also have more weird facts about them that are quite hidden but would always seep through, which could be quite noticeable to those who have eyes.
A leader who lacks good qualities should not be a leader at all. I am pretty sure you tapped this article because you wanted to assess yourself as a leader, and I hope this was able to help. If you want to be a good leader, stay away from these qualities or rather do the exact opposite of the qualities listed above, and you will be good to go.
ALSO, READ 10 Ways To Change a Person From Bad To Good,'[
Originally posted 2023-01-18 18:35:57.