Love & Dating
How to Make a Guy Leave His Girlfriend For You
Do you love a guy who already has a girlfriend? Perhaps you are always attracted to men who are in a relationship. I’m sure you don’t want to let a wonderful guy slip out of your hands because he has a woman he is dating. When a man is in a relationship, it doesn’t really mean he is unavailable. As long as he isn’t married yet, you can still have a chance with him.
If you feel you are good enough for him, then you can give it a try. You never know if you might be lucky enough to win him over.
Below are proven guides to help a man escape his relationship and come after you. Are you ready for this? Let’s dig in.
Ultimate guides on how to make a guy leave his girlfriend for you
1. Look good
Try to look beautiful all the time. If you really want to make him fall for you, you should put in a lot of effort to look very attractive. Don’t try to do too much; it mustn’t be obvious that you are seeking his attention. Just make your things sexy, but on a low key.
You can change your hairstyle or dress sense; be sure it’s something you can easily afford and keep up with. You wouldn’t want to begin something you can’t continue with when you finally win him over. It’s not necessary to show off something you can’t maintain when you have succeeded in getting his attention.
2. Avoid copying her style
If you want a man to leave his woman, avoid copying his girlfriend and create yours, which will make you stand out. Expose him to a different thing entirely, something he is missing in his relationship. The fact that he is dating her doesn’t mean he loves everything about her.
It might surprise you that there are little things people dislike about their partner, despite them being in a committed relationship. So you copying her could mean you are doing what he overlooks in her because he loves her. In essence, be creative with your style so he can spot you.
3. Know your enemy
When I say enemy I don’t mean it in a negative way, it just refers to the woman standing as a barrier between both of you. Since you want to sneak into her life to fish out things about her.
You should be able to know the areas she is good at and identify her weaknesses so you can take advantage of them. Find out those things she does that he dislikes.
4. Initiate eye contact
Now you have to be bold to face him. It might seem difficult, but you need it. Look straight into his eyes, even if you hide your emotions. This is one way to get his attention. You should be smart while making eye contact.
If you try to avoid his eyes, take a long stare that will be enough to get him to notice you and short enough not to startle him. Your main aim is to make him shy without throwing yourself at him, so he will be left thinking about you.
5. Be friends with him
Another way to get him for yourself since he’s already in a relationship is to make friends with him. Building an unromantic relationship with him wouldn’t ruin your plans; rather, it would give you quick entry into his life.
This also allows you to flirt with him. But beware, so you won’t find yourself in the friend zone. Ensure your friendship has a little heads up “I want you.” This will create an opportunity for you to be in a relationship.
6. Create scenarios where you need help
Naturally, men like to pose as heroes, they love to be protective. It is a potential characteristic for them to see women in pain and want to help. If you can make him feel like the prince or hero who rescues you, then he will be nice to you always bringing you guys together.
While you do this try not to overdo it hence he would see you as someone he should pity on. Instead of seeing you as a woman who needs attention, you now appear like a pet.
7. Make him comfortable around you
Another way to get him in is to make him comfortable around you and appreciate his presence. Tell him how nice it was for him to have helped you previously, and let him know how pleasant it was to have him around you. Also, appreciate him for the things he does for you. It’s a quick way to get him closer to you.
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8. Avoid being too flirty
Avoid flirting around him too much; you wouldn’t want to be taken for granted, and you might not like the outcome. Studies have shown that men are visual beings and are easily turned on. So if you flirt with him too much, he sees you as someone who is too cheap, someone he doesn’t want to take seriously. Be prudent while you flirt; let there be something mysterious about you until you are certain he wants you.
9. Touch him
Sometimes touch him to send him some little signals. You can go beyond hugging him, you can hold him much longer. While communicating with him do some little touching, let your facial expressions send him green light signals.
10. Make him jealous
Once you have succeeded in getting his attention, then it’s time to set the pace. Try flirting with another guy to see his reaction. If he is also attracted to you, he will want to make more moves. The reason is that you have created a scene to let him know that you might soon be taken. If he’s scared of losing you, he will act fast so you won’t slip off his hands.
11. Don’t confront his girlfriend
Never confront his girlfriend for anything at all; this is one thing you must avoid. Doing this would make you look like a bully; trust me, he wouldn’t want a girl in that category. Most ladies make the mistake of letting their rivals know there’s a competition going on. You wouldn’t want to lose out; just back off if you already have this in mind.
Some might even go to the point of lying that the guy is a womanizer just to poison her mind against him. If she is the kind of woman who quickly concludes, she might end the relationship with him, making him available. This has a way of hunting you; later, try to avoid it.
12. Don’t let jealousy consume you
Jealousy is one thing that is unavoidable when you want a guy to leave his girlfriend for you. It is a known fact that most people get overwhelmed by jealousy, and this will scare them away from you. A jealous partner is toxic, and no man wants a toxic woman in his life.
In essence, avoid being jealous or envious, not only because you want him for yourself but also for your mental and emotional state.
13. Resist the urge to speak ill of her
If at all he mentions his girlfriend, don’t say anything about her. You might be tempted to do this since you feel it will make him fall for you. The truth is, this will not make him like you, especially if they are still dating.
He might tell her everything you have said about her. Just know that the skill to get him is to make him see what he is missing out on in you.
14. Find common grounds
Another way is to find common ground. Find out his hobbies or other things he loves doing. It might be movies, music, video, football, games, politics, etc. Look for what he is fond of, which will help you get close to him and initiate conversation.
Remember, don’t do things you can’t maintain or continue; ensure that whatever you choose, you won’t struggle to do it, and you will always continue.
15. Throw in compliments
Always learn to compliment him each time you see him. Everybody loves compliments, you can say things like “Your haircut is cute” “You look amazing,” “Nice shoes.” “Your shirt looks perfect,” “Your cologne smells nice”.
Wrapping up
If you really want to make a guy leave his girlfriend for you, you must be smart about it. Don’t act too desperate or flirt around him often. While you do your thing at a distance, keep a close watch on him to see if your moves is having an impact on him.
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Originally posted 2024-01-04 23:49:31.