Love & Dating
Things You Must Never Tolerate In a Relationship
A relationship is like a blank sheet till one writes on it, and whatever you write on that blank sheet determines the outcome of your relationship. A relationship is meant to thrive with both parties involved, and to keep a boat sailing, the captain and the sailor must agree. A relationship is like a ship involving the teamwork of two people. So if both parties are involved, there are things you must never tolerate in your relationship with your special someone.
There are many things you must never tolerate in a relationship, but in this article, we will discuss two of the most important things.
A relationship would surely have its ups and downs, but you’d still have your bed of roses. Your relationship can be bliss if both parties are on the same track. If your partner always tends to make you look stupid, or negative about every idea you bring to the table, or always talks down on you, you must not tolerate that; and this goes both ways if your female partner or male partner seems to have this trait, and you see the red flag, you must stand your ground immediately.
Always remember that you are both in a relationship and not in a business where there is a boss and a worker. At this point you are both partners and could share equal ideas and thoughts so never let your partner talk down on you, reduce your self-esteem tell you that you are never enough, you must not tolerate it. Never let your partner hit you; that would give room for toxicity, which is not healthy for you and your mental health.
Never tolerate toxic jokes, statements, or speeches that could affect your mental health. Toxic relationships don’t last, but during that short period, a lot of damage would have been done. So, never give room for negative vibes or toxicity because, in the end, you lose.
Don’t tolerate any controlling behavioral attitude from your partner; that would only give room for toxicity. A lot of relationships suffer because one person thinks he should control the other, but in a relationship, there should be an establishment of equality. If that is not established, then it should not be tolerated. Never give room for abuse verbally, physically, or mentally.
Don’t give room for body shaming or anything of the sort. Don’t just be blinded by love; you must also learn to take a stand. That way, you gain respect. If you tolerate any of these, you end up losing on both sides and more importantly, you end up losing yourself. So, in your relationship, never give room for negativity and toxicity.
As much as this falls under the negativity and toxicity colon, it must also be seen differently. Many relationships out there have been built on lies; many relationships have broken because their foundation rested on lies. If you ever notice you have a lying partner, never be quiet about it. Speak up; don’t keep it to yourself.
If you ever notice your partner cooks up excuses, you shouldn’t always be blinded by your love and trust for him. You must face that problem head-on and solve it. Dishonesty is one major thing that has ruined relationships, so you must not tolerate it.
Every relationship built on such dishonesty is not a relationship but a lie, a work of fiction, and something in your imagination. If your partner truly loves you, he or she will never hesitate to tell you the truth. Dishonesty becomes more than just a flawed character but a plague in a relationship if frequently used. Never tolerate a dose of dishonesty, for it is not a drug but a virus. A virus that kills every good thing in its path, including the bliss of that relationship. Never try to make up excuses for your lying partner; don’t be blinded by love or trust. Because at the end of the day, you lose.
How do you stand your ground;
Why are you in that relationship? Are you just there to gain something or to build a future with that special someone? If it is the latter, then you must work with it. If you are building a future with that person, let your yes and no be yes. Don’t forget to dot the I’s and stroke the’s. Ask questions when necessary and demand honest answers
This may not be entirely necessary, but it is. A good relationship coach would come in handy in times like this. The only reason you might need to get a relationship coach is part of getting your facts right. This might help you make the right decision
If it becomes to intolerable, kindly leave the relationship. Sometimes, you need to let love lead, and that love must start from yourself before transitioning to the next person. Before channeling your love to the wrong dam, take your leave. Don’t stay in a relationship where you are not happy, and just work with whatever comes your way. You are bigger and better than that. If you can’t tolerate much longer, for your sanity…. Leave!
A relationship is a bed of roses, but once you jump on that bed, take note of the roses that fall and place them back, take note of the wrinkled roses and straighten them out, and don’t forget the roses you wanted to add to that bed because when you do, you lose your relationship. In a literal sense, no matter how blissful and sweet that relationship might be, remember there are some steps you must take to push that relationship forward, and what determines that is what you tolerate and what you don’t tolerate. Think about it!
Originally posted 2022-12-09 23:10:52.