The female specimen is” a species created solely to attract and to attend to.” That is the main reason most girls show off their bodies, but not always. Many feel like it’s something that must be done to get a man or to be known as someone who cannot be joked about. This and many more will be seen in this article.
Many times, we go out in public and see a picture of a half-naked girl on almost all social media platforms, and some of us tend to wonder why. Why are they so comfortable with little to no clothes on, or why do they tend to bask in the glory of showing their body to the public? There are a lot of reasons girls do that, but there are two important reasons that could be the cause of it.
Before these reasons are taken into consideration, ask yourself, “Was there ever a time a relationship with any lady based on just the attraction of her body worked out? And even though it did, how long?”
Now let’s go into the reasons why girls show of their bodies.
1: Their Backgrounds/experiences:
A lot of girls out there tend to show off their bodies because of the type of family they came out from or from just their normal life experiences. Some families encourage their children to constantly show off their bodies and are told that they are to be seen as objects of attraction just because they are women. They are always seen as the weaker vessels and are taught that showing off their bodies makes them untouchable and always in charge. They are up with such mentalities and have worked with them all through their lives. In some other cases, experiences such as body shaming, degrading, and bullying made lots of girls fight back.
The world has become a place where her opinions matter to her, and she would not be stomped on by a few “weaklings.” So, instead of going through the self-mutilation stage, they go through the same improvement stage and tend to begin to fall into love with their bodies and boost that confidence. This may seem reasonable, but she might get out of control when it gets too extreme. The world has become hostile, and people like them tend to go with the flow because they do not have a mind of their own and don’t even know who they are anymore.
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2: For Self-esteem Purposes or Prostitution:
Most girls show their bodies off because of their low self-esteem, especially the ones that are too slim or too fat, as the case may be. Most times, they are seen as never enough, and that has pushed them to try as much as possible to fit in. “If other people are doing then why can’t I?” Or “If other people are doing it, then it’s not wrong” They drop the “good girl” act and go off to show their bodies. They try as much as possible to create attraction and in most cases it works so they just go with the flow.
In some cases the purpose works and they become full prostitutes. This is mainly for the purpose of making money, to put food on the table or to make ends meet. They know it’s wrong but they have no choice that’s why they do it. Both these things work together . Low self esteem and Prostitution. The fact that some girls have this low self esteem they go to the extreme to prove themselves and one of those things is Prostitution, and even when you stop prostituting, the fact that they were once like that could trigger their low self esteem.
If you are a girl and you are reading this, and for some reason you find yourself fitting into any of those facts listed above here’s what you can do. The truth is whether people do it or not, it doesn’t mean it’s right. You can be moderate and modest and still be beautiful. All you have to do is to believe in yourself, Pray to whatever deity you serve. Pray to God let him lead, talk to yourself daily and give yourself positive daily affirmations.
You are beautiful just the way you are and even the devil knows it and that’s why he brought those negative thoughts. You are pretty, you are beautiful, you are gorgeous, you are attractive and no matter how you look your own special person would find you. Forget what your mother or your friends or even foes tell you, you are beautiful just the way you are. Channel your fighting back with a positive attitude and confidence. That way everyone can actually live their lives peacefully.
The other painful truth is when people see you dressed half naked, you may think the majority loves it, but the truth is it’s all a façade, clout to deceive you into becoming what you are not. This little attention you think you are getting, you can also get if you are moderate and modest; it just depends on how you channel your moderation and modesty. The realest people on earth are those people who strive to do the best good things, and I’m pretty sure that person could be you! You are not too fat, neither are you too slim, you are just perfect just the way you are. I may not have met you before, but I know it.
Many girls show off their bodies. Many girls show off their bodies for the wrong reasons, and that’s where they miss it. You are not ugly, you’re not too fat or too slim, but you are just perfect. Don’t change by showing off your body just because of one reason or the other. Be the real you, and you won’t have to worry. Want to know a secret?; God hides his treasures in unlikely vessels, and wherever his treasure lies, so his heart is.
Originally posted 2023-01-18 22:05:01.